Cranberry (Vaccinium sect. Oxycoccus) is an evergreen shrub growing in swamps and wetlands. The herbal and food raw material is its fruit – multi-seed berries. The fruit is harvested in the fall – from mid-September to the beginning of November. They are a valuable medicinal raw material with a high content of important medicinal substances essential for our health.

Cranberries contain large amounts of vitamins A, E and C, as well as B vitamins. Moreover, cranberry fruit contains a lot of fiber, carotene, and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, iron and sodium. One of the most important ingredients of these fruits are proanthocyanidins. They show strong antioxidant properties.

Antioxidants are a group of chemical compounds that protect our body against oxidative stress caused by the excessive production of free radicals that have a negative effect on our body. They destroy the subcutaneous tissue, hinder the self-regeneration of cells and can contribute to the emergence of many serious diseases, including sclerosis, asthma, Alzheimer’s. Providing adequate amounts in the daily diet strengthens the immune system and slows down the aging process of the body. In addition, they improve eyesight, increase joint flexibility and contribute to the normalization of cholesterol levels. In addition, thanks to the content of proanthocyanidins in cranberries, it has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties.

Currently, the most famous action of cranberries is to inhibit (and also prevent recurrence) urinary tract infections. This action is due to inhibition of the adherence of bacterial cells to the surface of urinary tract cells. There are numerous studies confirming the effectiveness of prophylactic use of preparations with cranberry.

One of the better products with a high content of cranberry extract is Uroxill, sold in the form of sachets and capsules. It contains large cranberry fruit dry extract, rich in proanthocyanidins and vitamin C, which helps in the functioning of the immune system. For this reason, it is especially recommended for people prone to urinary tract infections. Also, it can be used during antibiotic therapy.


We cannot forget about the culinary uses of cranberries. In the form of jellies, it is an excellent addition to roasted meats, including poultry and game. And of course, an excellent, real, aromatic cranberry tincture (not to be confused with cranberry-flavoured vodkas !!!). From childhood, we probably all remember the excellent cranberry jelly with vanilla milk, prepared by our mothers and grandmothers (not to be confused with cranberry-flavored jelly from bags !!!!).

As we can see, cranberry is not only a valuable agent with a very positive effect on our health, but also an excellent component of our diet. Therefore, it is worth eating both fresh and their preserves, and also, at the right moment, stock up and freezing cranberries.

AUTHOR: Dr n. farm. Andrzej Tarasiuk