In some parts of Poland, winter does not let go. Our lovely beehives are covered with snow, and what is going on inside?

The latest information from our beekeepers, Mrs. Dorota and Mr. Patryk.

?During the summer nectar and pollen harvest, the bees are already planning what will happen in the nest during the winter. The fate of tens of thousands of bees, which must survive the winter months and start the spring development of the family, will depend on the stocks they accumulate in the combs. A single bee cannot cope with the winter cold, even if it is inside the hive. Nature has created bees in such a way that they form a huge organism, consisting of many individual individuals, which benefits from a common herd intelligence. It is this intelligence that tells us that if individual bees collide into a ball and warm each other, hanging around the stored supplies, they will survive even extremely low temperatures. We will tell you about the treasures in the bee pantry next time. “

Dorota and Patryk