In the era of the COVID-19 pandemic and the widespread interest in this topic, a lot of publications on the protective effect of vitamins and (if we have already fallen ill) the beneficial effect of vitamins on the course of the infection itself appeared on the Internet.

According to the authors of individual reports, appearing on various health portals and in various blogs, lot of medical pseudo-experts offer quick and simple ways to protect yourself against COVID-19. Of course, there are also advertisements praising the excellent antiviral properties of various vitamin preparations.Among these vitamins, two are most often mentioned:

? Vitamin C or ascorbic acid

? Vitamin D or cholecalciferol

But let’s look at the facts and the evidence to support the above claims.

Let’s start with vitamin C.

Ascorbic acid, vitamin C, is an organic compound necessary for the functioning of the human body. Since the human body is unable to synthesize it, it must be supplied in the diet. The main sources of vitamin C are vegetables and fruits.

Although it is indeed a very important vitamin, incl. for our immunity, however, there is no scientific evidence that it can be considered an effective drug, neither in relation to the novel coronavirus, nor even in relation to the common cold.

Well-known medical authorities, for example Dr.PawełGrzesiowski, have the following opinions on this issue:”Such widespread prophylactic vitamin intake without diagnostic tests not only does not prevent infection, but also does not accelerate recovery, and in some situations worsens health.” This opinion also applies to vitamin C.

Moreover, it should be remembered that although vitamin C is not very toxic, in very high doses (over 2 g per day) it can cause stomach ailments such as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. In addition, in people prone to kidney stones, it can cause or accelerate the formation of stones.

As you can see, there are no rational reasons for self-medication with high doses of ascorbic acid.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble steroid compounds with multiple physiological functions, primarily in the calcium and phosphate metabolism and in maintaining the proper structure of the skeleton.

Two forms of vitamin D are of the greatest importance, differing in the structure of the side chain:

ergocalciferol (vitamin D2), found in plant organisms and yeast, and cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), found in animal products.

Vitamin D is one of the vitamins, but they fulfill the function of prohormones, because as a result of its metabolic transformations, the biologically active form is formed – 1?, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol.

Where did the interest in vitamin D come from in the context of COVID19 infection? Well, a relationship between its deficiency in the blood and the risk of developing certain cancers, autoimmune diseases and even infections was observed much earlier. Active vitamin D affects the regulation of the immune system (stimulating or inhibiting its functions) by participating in the synthesis of certain proteins involved in the functioning of this system.

It may also act as an anti-inflammatory agent. This may be beneficial for inflammation that sometimes occurs during COVID-19 infection.

The results of the clinical trials conducted give inconclusive results. So far, there are no conclusive data supporting the effectiveness of high doses of vitamin D in the treatment and prevention of COVID-19 infection.

Moreover, Polish Epidemiologists and Doctors of Infectious Diseases in their position of October 2020 state that there are currently no indications for the use of vitamin D in the treatment of COVID-19, unless it is justified by comorbidities. However, they draw attention to the need to supplement this vitamin, because generally, most Poles have a reduced level.

As you can see, the thesis about the miraculous properties of vitamins in relation to the treatment and prevention of COVID-19 infection cannot be defended. The mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 virus action is very complicated and we are still far from understanding it. So we will probably wait a long time for a drug that effectively prevents and treats COVID-19. It may also turn out that the situation related to the Spanish epidemic will repeat itself – after two years of harvesting the deadly harvest, the infection will go away by itself.

AUTHOR: Dr n. farm. Andrzej Tarasiuk